2023-01-26: Review of WS-DL's 2022
Covid isn't over, but in 2022 things with the Web Science and Digital Libraries Group (WS-DL) have been slowly returning to normal. We graduated one PhD student, one MS student, and added six graduate students and two undergraduates to the group.
Students and Faculty
- Corren McCoy defended her dissertation on 2022-11-16. Corren was already a Vice President with G2Ops, and will continue with them after her graduation.
- MD Sami Uddin defended his thesis on 2022-03-22 and took a position with VMRC after graduating.
Congratulations and Happy Commencement Day to Dr. @CorrenMcCoy, my 10th PhD graduate!@ODU @ODUSCI @oducs @WebSciDL pic.twitter.com/qZ5GXQL3qW
— Michele Weigle (@weiglemc) December 17, 2022
We added five PhD students and one MS student this year:
- Yasasi Abeysinghe (@Yasasi_Abey) joined the department in Spring 2022 and is working with Dr. Jayarathna.
- David Calano (@lifefromalaptop) joined the department in Fall 2022 and is working with Drs. Weigle and Nelson.
- Satwik Ram (@satwikram29) joined the department in Fall 2022 and is working with Dr. Ashok.
- Nithiya Venkatraman (@Nithiyavenkat07) joined the department in Fall 2022 and is working with Dr. Ashok.
- Tarranum Zaki (@tarannum_zaki) joined the department in Spring 2022 and is working with Drs. Weigle and Nelson.
- Lesley Frew (@lesley_elis) joined the WS-DL group in Spring 2022 and is working with Drs. Weigle and Nelson. Lesley is currently a MS student but is planning to become a PhD student.
We also added two undergraduate students:
- Caleb Bradford (@calebkbradford) joined WS-DL in Fall 2022 and is working with Dr. Nelson.
- Dominik Soos (@DomSoos) joined WS-DL in Spring 2022 and is working with Dr. Wu.
We also had three people advance from Ph.D. "student" to "candidate" (but sadly, no crush board pic):
- Yasith Jayawardana became a candidate on 2022-09-07: "StreamingHub Interactive Stream Analysis Workflows".
- Bathsheba Farrow had her dissertation prospectus, "A Microservices Approach for EEG Research in the Public Cloud", approved on 2022-12-15.
- Gavindya Jayawardena had her dissertation prospectus, "RAEMAP: Real-time Advanced Eye Movement Analysis Pipeline", approved on 2022-11-30.
@Gavindya2 is now presenting her dissertation prospectus, "RAEMAP: Real-time Advanced Eye Movement Analysis Pipeline".@NirdsLab @WebSciDL @oducs pic.twitter.com/eU0NoFvuRo
— Yasith Jayawardana (@yasithdev) November 30, 2022
Bathsheba Farrow @sheissheba presenting her dissertation proposal "A Microservices Approach for EEG Research in the Public Cloud" @NirdsLab @WebSciDL @oducs @ODUSCI pic.twitter.com/Qooyysm5a1
— Sampath Jayarathna (@OpenMaze) December 15, 2022
Publications and Presentations
We've given up trying to manually compile a list of publications from our group, but our best estimate for 2022 is: six journal articles, 24 conference/workshop publications, and seven technical reports or other contributions. I've included an expandable/collapsable gist below that is our 2022 publications list according to Scholar Groups.
Collapse/expand the list of WSDL's 2022 publications
- X Wei, J Wu, K Ajayi, D Oyen, Visual descriptor extraction from patent figure captions: a case study of data efficiency between BiLSTM and transformer, Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 1-5, 2022.
- S Rajtmajer, C Griffin, J Wu, R Fraleigh, L Balaji, A Squicciarini, ..., A synthetic prediction market for estimating confidence in published work, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (11), 13218 …, 2022.
- J Owens, G Jayawardena, Y Abeysinghe, VG Ashok, S Jayarathna, Objective Measure of Working Memory Capacity Using Eye Movements, 2022.
- C Bradford, ML Nelson, Did They Really Tweet That? Querying Fact-Checking Sites and Politwoops to Determine Tweet Misattribution, arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.09681, 2022.
- S Senarath, P Pathirana, D Meedeniya, S Jayarathna, Retail Gaze: A Dataset for Gaze Estimation in Retail Environments, 2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications …, 2022.
- HR Jayanetti, K Garg, S Alam, ML Nelson, MC Weigle, Robots still outnumber humans in web archives, but less than before, Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: 26th International …, 2022.
- K Pineda, S Jayarathna, Gaze-Based Drone Navigation, 2022.
- SM Jones, HR Jayanetti, A Osborne, P Koerbin, M Klein, MC Weigle, ..., The DSA Toolkit Shines Light Into Dark and Stormy Archives, Code4Lib Journal, 2022.
- HN Lee, Y Prakash, M Sunkara, IV Ramakrishnan, V Ashok, Enabling Convenient Online Collaborative Writing for Low Vision Screen Magnifier Users, Proceedings of the 33rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 143-153, 2022.
- HR Jayanetti, SM Jones, M Klein, A Osbourne, P Koerbin, ML Nelson, ..., Creating structure in web archives with collections: different concepts from web archivists, Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: 26th International …, 2022.
- P Pathirana, S Senarath, D Meedeniya, S Jayarathna, Single-user 2D gaze estimation in retail environment using deep learning, 2022 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC …, 2022.
- K Garg, HR Jayanetti, S Alam, MC Weigle, ML Nelson, Caching HTTP 404 Responses Eliminates Unnecessary Archival Replay Requests, From Born-Physical to Born-Virtual: Augmenting Intelligence in Digital …, 2022.
- MRU Hoque, J Li, J Wu, SciEv: Finding Scientific Evidence Papers for Scientific News, arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00126, 2022.
- S Senarath, P Pathirana, D Meedeniya, S Jayarathna, Customer gaze estimation in retail using deep learning, IEEE Access 10, 64904-64919, 2022.
- L Salsabil, J Wu, MH Choudhury, WA Ingram, EA Fox, SM Rajtmajer, ..., A Study of Computational Reproducibility using URLs Linking to Open Access Datasets and Software, Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022, 784-788, 2022.
- A Mabe, ML Nelson, MC Weigle, A chromium-based memento-aware web browser, Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: 26th International …, 2022.
- A Dobrenen, V Ashok, Protecting Blind Screen-Reader Users From Deceptive Content, 2022.
- J Ferdous, HN Lee, S Jayarathna, V Ashok, InSupport: Proxy Interface for Enabling Efficient Non-Visual Interaction with Web Data Records, 27th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 49-62, 2022.
- J Wu, S Rohatgi, MK Angadi, KS Puranik, CL Giles, Design Considerations for a Sustainable Scholarly Big Data Service, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Forum for Information …, 2022.
- Y Jayawardana, VG Ashok, S Jayarathna, StreamingHub: interactive stream analysis workflows, Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 1-10, 2022.
- G Jayawardena, Y Jayawardana, S Jayarathna, J Högström, T Papa, ..., Toward a Real-Time Index of Pupillary Activity as an Indicator of Cognitive Load, Procedia Computer Science 207, 1331-1340, 2022.
- J Wu, R Hiltabrand, D Soós, CL Giles, Scholarly big data quality assessment: a case study of document linking and conflation with S2ORC, Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 1-4, 2022.
- U Uckun, R Tumkur Suresh, MJ Ferdous, X Bi, IV Ramakrishnan, V Ashok, Taming User-Interface Heterogeneity with Uniform Overlays for Blind Users, Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and …, 2022.
- B Mahanama, L Balakireva, S Jayarathna, M Nelson, M Klein, Memento Validator: A toolset for Memento compliance testing, Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 1-3, 2022.
- MRU Hoque, X Wei, MH Choudhury, K Ajayi, M Gryder, J Wu, D Oyen, Segmenting Technical Drawing Figures in US Patents, 2022.
- HN Lee, V Ashok, Impact of Out-of-Vocabulary Words on the Twitter Experience of Blind Users, Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2022.
- X Wei, L Salsabil, J Wu, Theory entity extraction for social and behavioral sciences papers using distant supervision, Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 1-4, 2022.
- HN Lee, V Ashok, Customizable Tabular Access to Web Data Records for Convenient Low-vision Screen Magnifier Interaction, ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) 15 (2), 1-22, 2022.
- ML Nelson, Twitter DM Videos Are Accessible to Unauthenticated Users, arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.05322, 2022.
- ML Nelson, H Van de Sompel, D-lib magazine pioneered web-based scholarly communication, Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 1-12, 2022.
- B Mahanama, G Jayawardena, Y Abeysinghe, V Ashok, S Jayarathna, Multidisciplinary Reading Patterns of Digital Documents, 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 1-2, 2022.
- H Lian, JS Atwood, B Hou, J Wu, Y He, Online Deep Learning from Doubly-Streaming Data, arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.11793, 2022.
- B Mahanama, Y Jayawardana, S Rengarajan, G Jayawardena, ..., Eye Movement and Pupil Measures: A Review, Frontiers in Computer Science 3, 1-22, 2022.
- E Escamilla, M Klein, T Cooper, V Rampin, MC Weigle, ML Nelson, The Rise of GitHub in Scholarly Publications, Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: 26th International …, 2022.
- T Reid, ML Nelson, MC Weigle, Web Archiving as Entertainment, From Born-Physical to Born-Virtual: Augmenting Intelligence in Digital …, 2022.
- M Kucer, D Oyen, J Castorena, J Wu, DeepPatent: Large scale patent drawing recognition and retrieval, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2022.
- P Pathirana, S Senarath, D Meedeniya, S Jayarathna, Eye gaze estimation: A survey on deep learning-based approaches, Expert Systems with Applications 199, 116894, 2022.
In 2022, conferences were a mix of f2f and virtual. Below is a partial list of trip reports for the events where we presented our work:
- Emily Escamilla and Himarsha Jayanetti went to Padova, Italy for TPDL 2022.
- We had several students and faculty virtually attend JCDL 2022, with Yasith Jayawardana writing the trip report, and Kiritka Garg writing the trip report for the affiliated Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (WADL) workshop.
- Yash Prakash and Mohan Krishna virtually attended ACM Hypertext 2022.
- Bhanuka Mahanama, Gavindya Jayawardena, Yasasi Abeysinghe virtually attended the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA 2022), with Gavindya writing the trip report.
- Emily Escamilla, Kritika Garg, and Himarsha Jayanetti virtually attended the IIPC Web Archiving Conference (WAC), with Emily writing the trip report.
- Javedul Ferdous virtually attended the ACM Intelligent User Interface (IUI) conference.
- Dr. Wu virtually attended the AAAI-22 Workshop on Scientific Document Understanding (SDU@AAAI).
With her 2nd presentation, @HimarshaJ is presenting her comparison of the different collection structures supported by 8 Web archiving platforms
— Emily Escamilla (@EmilyEscamilla_) September 21, 2022
The paper is available at: https://t.co/7cbYMIgenQ#TPDL2022 pic.twitter.com/XIq3sjeiI7
Research presentations and outreach
In addition to the conferences and workshops listed above where we presented papers, we also had an array of presentations and outreach.
This year, our main summer event was hosting eight students for the first year of our NSF Disinformation Detection and Analytics Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program. The final presentations highlight the exciting progress we made last year and we look forward to this summer's REU cohort.
Dr. Jayarathna organized our fourth annual "Trick or Research" event, which was both f2f and virtual. Some of our other outreach events include:
- Dr. Ashok was an invited panelist for the "Natural Language Processing for Accessible Communication" panel on Day 2 of the W3C WAI's Artificial Intelligence and Accessibility Research Symposium.
- Muntabir Choudhury and Dr. Wu traveled to Va Tech in December to meet with IMLS partners Dr. Ed Fox and Bill Ingram.
- In December, Dr. Nelson traveled to Washington DC to attend the Fall 2022 CNI Meeting.
- Travis Reid gave a webinar for IIPC in December, "Game Walkthroughs and Web Archiving", based on the IIPC-funded project of the same name.
- In November, Dr. Weigle gave an invited talk to the NIH NLM entitled "What’s in a Web Archive Collection? Summarization and Discovery of Archived Webpages" (slides).
- In October, Dr. Jayarathna traveled to Ocean Lakes HS in Va Beach to pitch his research to HS students and recruit future members of WS-DL!
- In October, Dr. Jayarathna traveled to NSF Smart & Connected Communities PI Meeting to present the progress of his S&CC planning grant.
- In August, Dr. Weigle traveled to the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) on the campus of Goethe University to participate in the Ernst Strüngmann Forum on Digital Ethology.
- In August, Dr. Nelson gave an invited presentation entitled "Trustworthy Web Archiving by 2025" for the National Records and Archives Administration (NARA).
- Also in August, Dr. Nelson presented "Risks to Web Archives" at the Starling Lab Workshop on Web Archiving in the context of Accountability for Ukraine.
- In May, Dr. Jayarathna traveled to Princess Anne HS in Va Beach to pitch his research to HS students and recruit future members of WS-DL!
- In April, Dr. Wu attended the Virginia Commonwealth Cyber Initiative Symposium.
- We held our second annual WS-DL Research Expo in April, featuring status reports from one graduate student per faculty member.
- Dr. Michael Herzog visited ODU and WS-DL in March. We are in works to host Dr. Herzog for an extended sabbatical later in 2023.
- Dr. Wu was featured in a promotional video shot by the College of Sciences.
- Dr. Jayarathna and his students hosted tours in their lab for Admitted Student Day.
- Dr. Jayarathna was a judge at the WHRO Great Computer Challenge.
- Four of our graduate students had fellowships and summer internships:
- Yasith Jayawardana spent the spring semester at Center for Advanced Imaging at Harvard and during the summer worked for LANL (with Martin Klein) on "Robustifying PDF Links"
- Gavindya Jayawardena worked for LANL (with Brian Cain) on "Extracting and Reviewing Metadata".
- Himarsha Jayanetti worked for LANL (with Shawn Jones and Martin Klein) on "Generating Social Cards".
- Kenny Ajayi worked at Microsoft in Redmond, Washington on "Anomaly Detection for Manufactured Computer Components' Failures".
- Two of our undergraduate students had summer internships and fellowships
- Kayla Pineda was a member of the ODU Cybersecurity REU program.
- James Owens had a Pauley Heart Center 2022 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship at VCU.
🎮 Thank you to @TReid03 @WebSciDL for a great webinar last week on Game Walkthroughs & #WebArchiving! Thanks also to @ibnesayeed @waybackmachine @internetarchive for leading a thoughtful + engaging Q&A!
— IIPC (@NetPreserve) December 20, 2022
📺Watch the recording here: https://t.co/Sa6i5aUAtO#WAWalkthroughs https://t.co/p0io61ZQDp
Very excited to see our friend Dr. Herzog @maherzog from the University of Magdeburg-Stendal on their annual spring trip to Virginia https://t.co/fPdURX4EEH Great to catch up and meet with our @NirdsLab PhD students @Gavindya2 @Yasasi_Abey, @mahanama94 in the new lab. @WebSciDL pic.twitter.com/qdaIJmOcH1
— Sampath Jayarathna (@OpenMaze) September 21, 2022
Great outcomes from @NSF #REU “Working w global experts @ODU has changed students' plans.” After Bragg graduates from CNU, she’s planning on a master's at ODU. Bradford is now a research assistant with @phonedude_mln in @WebSciDL https://t.co/bhPouR6QNv @storymodelers @NirdsLab
— Erika Frydenlund (@ErikaFrydenlund) September 16, 2022
I am so excited to have been accepted into the Innovate Cyber program for Spring 2023!https://t.co/D0iM3JZVIH
— Ethan Landers (@ethanlanders_) November 17, 2022
Trick or Research @NirdsLab #tor2022 @WebSciDL @ODUSCI pic.twitter.com/9T1Fpbc8xp
— Yasasi (@Yasasi_Abey) October 31, 2022
More moments pic.twitter.com/iOPmSc6vSU
— Jian Wu (@fanchyna) October 31, 2022
Software, data sets, services
Our scholarly contributions are not limited to conventional publications or presentations: we also advance the state of the art through releasing software, data sets, and proof-of-concept services & demos. Some of the software, data sets, and services that we either initially released or made significant updates to in the course of 2022 include:
- Michael Hudson released an update of Follower Count History (FCH).
- Winston Shields released an update for Scholar Groups.
- PhD alumni Alexander Nwala and Sawood Alam celebrated the five year anniversary of StoryGraph, now hosted at the Internet Archive.
- PhD alumnus Shawn Jones moved Hypercane to LANL's Github.
- Hussam Hallak released MergeArabicNames, which is further described in two posts.
- Lamia Salsabil released oadsclassifier, which is further described in a post.
- Bhanuka Mahanama released a dataset for multidisciplinary reading patterns of digital documents.
I'm happy to announce @storygraphbot is 5 years old & has a new home @internetarchive: https://t.co/PliujtKDj3
— Alexander C. Nwala (@acnwala) August 8, 2022
(IA collection: https://t.co/UGcGWHiCI3)
Very big thank you to @ibnesayeed @MarkGraham Owen Lampe, @HankBromley, & the generous brilliant folks @waybackmachine IA pic.twitter.com/ihXykRKPpE
Other contributions
Our research group made a number of other contributions in 2022 that do not neatly fit into any of the above categories. Some of the highlights include:
- For a long time, we have used the Hurricane Katrina slides to answer the question "Why care about the past?", but until now we have not collected the slides into a blog post.
- Dr. Nelson blogged about a number of security and forensics issues, including:
- An exploration about how videos in Twitter direct messages (DMs) are accessible to unauthenticated users, but images are not.
- A review of problems replicating the phenomena discussed in a blog post about how Facebook creates URLs to deep links hosted on their site.
- A discussion of how crawl time by the Internet Archive and creation time of a site were conflated regarding the blogs of Paul Pelosi's attacker.
- Dr. Weigle's research was quoted in a Snopes article about web archiving and fact-checking.
- Dr. Weigle once again highlighted some of the exemplary projects from her graduate Vis courses.
- Dr. Poursardar was a member of the organizing committee and an instructor for the inaugural College of Sciences Data Science Bootcamp.
- We had a number of students post tutorials, summaries, or updates about their research not covered by the topics listed above:
- Tarannum Zaki posted about Tweet (mis-)attribution and her call for examples for building a dataset.
- Lesley Frew reviewed how journalists are using web archives in their reporting.
- Gavindya Jayawardena wrote about predicting ADHD through eye tracking.
- Yasith Jayawardana gave an update on his work on StreamingHub.
- Bhanuka Mahanama summarized his work regarding reading patterns of digital documents.
- Bathsheba Farrow described the state of the art in EEG data formats.
- Yasasi Abeysinghe summarized regular expression, rule-based extraction of table and figure references from documents.
- Emily Escamilla contributed two posts regarding Github and archiving: "Github is not an archive" and "One in five arXiv articles reference Github".
- Xin Wei wrote two tutorials: using Amazon Rekognition, and using Pyserini.
- Hussam Hallak wrote two posts about using Google for automatic language translation.
- Javedul Ferdous posted a tutorial about Microsoft's HoloLens.
- In support of online scholarly communication, many of our students published "Paper Summaries"; there are too many to list.
Awards and Recognition
Many members of our group received awards and other forms of recognition:
- Dr. Nelson was interviewed and/or quoted in the popular media several times:
- Regarding Elon Musk's purchase of twitter: the Daily Economic News (original Chinese) and Grid.
- Regarding the demise of Internet Explorer: New York Times (Seattle Times reprint).
- Regarding videos in Twitter DMs: New Scientist (original; paywalled).
- Dr. Wu was awarded the Old Dominion University Alumni Association New Faculty Award.
- Dr. Jayarathna was awarded the College of Science Distinguished Teaching Award - Tenure Track Faculty.
- Yasith Jayawardana and Muntabir Choudhury won the College of Sciences RA and TA awards, respectively.
- Our TPDL 2022 paper "Robots Still Outnumber Humans in Web Archives, But Less Than Before" won best student paper.
- Undergraduates Kayla Pineda and James Owens won VSGC Undergraduate Research Fellowships.
- James Owens also received a M-MARC Fellowship.
Humans making a comeback?! (at least as users of the Wayback Machine)
— Brewster Kahle (@brewster_kahle) September 26, 2022
"Robots Still Outnumber Humans in Web Archives, But Less Than Before?"
https://t.co/7yIcAQ444F@internetarchive @waybackmachine @ibnesayeed
Our paper titled “Robots Still Outnumber Humans in Web Archives, But Less Than Before” won the best student paper award at @TPDL2022 😍
— Himarsha R. Jayanetti (@HimarshaJ) September 21, 2022
Thank you @TPDL2022 for this acknowledgment & recognition of our work! @kritika_garg @ibnesayeed @phonedude_mln @weiglemc@WebSciDL for life! pic.twitter.com/lRKDtiENzI
Congratulations to all the @NirdsLab and @WebSciDL @ODUSCI award winners, @OpenMaze Distinguished Teaching award, @yasithdev Best Researcher 21/22 and Best TA 20/21 (@Gavindya2 receiving the award on behalf, @mahanama94 Best Researcher 20/21, @TasinChoudhury Best TA 21/22. pic.twitter.com/2AS9oce35R
— Sampath Jayarathna (@OpenMaze) May 5, 2022
2022 was a great year for funding. We were fortunate to have received 10 new external grants (> $3.9M) and five internal grants ($44k), for a total of over $4M.
- Dr. Nelson is a Co-PI on the $1.15M Department of Education grant "Graduate Research Opportunities and Workforce Readiness in Modeling and Simulation" (Jessica Johnson of VMASC is the project's PI).
- Drs. Jayarathna & Wu are the PIs for the $324k NSF REU "REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Disinformation" grant (other members of WS-DL, VMASC, and ODU were "senior personnel" since the REU proposals are limited to two PIs).
- Drs. Weigle and Nelson are Co-PIs on the $1.7M "What’s Missing? Innovating Interdisciplinary Methods for Hard-to-Reach Environments" Minerva Research Initiative grant (Dr. Erika Frydenlund of VMASC is the PI, and Dr. Jose Padilla (VMASC) is also a Co-PI).
- Drs. Weigle and Nelson are Co-PIs on the $149k IMLS grant "Saving Ads: Assessing and Improving Web Archives' Holdings of Online Advertisements" (WS-DL alumnus Dr. Mat Kelly of Drexel University is the PI).
- Dr. Jayarathna is Co-PI on a $400k NSF MSI grant "Understanding Human Emotions Associated with Attention Activities in Temporal Domain Utilizing Multimodal Data" (Dr. Soo-Yeon Ji of Bowie State University is the PI).
- Drs. Faryaneh Poursardar (PI) and Sampath Jayarathna (Co-PI) received an internal grant from the Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT) for "Drone Programming Studio" (<$1k).
- Dr. Poursardar received an internal "ODU Library Research Grant 2022" ($1k).
- Drs. Poursardar (PI) and Ashok (Co-PI) received $60k from CCI for the "From Gap to Gain: Counter Human Smuggling by Identifying Deceptive Advertisements in Social Media" grant (Dr. Erika Frydenlund of VMASC is a Co-PI).
- Dr. Wu is the Co-PI on a CCI grant of $148,740 titled "GPU-Powered IoT Testbed to Expand CCI Lab Environment" (Dr. Peng Jiang of School of Cybersecurity is the PI).
- Dr. Wu received an intramural fund for Faculty Proposal Preparation Program (FP3) from ODU.
- Dr. Poursardar received an internal faculty development grant ($4k).
- Dr. Jayarathna received a $16k REU supplement to their NSF Smart & Connected Communities planning grant.
- Dr. Jayarathna received a $16k REU supplement to his NSF CAREER grant.
- Dr. Poursardar mentored a graduate student in the CCI funded CyberExL (CybersecurityGraduate Experiential Learning Program) ($5k).
- Dr. Weigle is the PI (Dr. Erika Frydenlund of VMASC is the Co-PI) on a Data Science Seed Grant of $38k, "Data Science for Social Good: Mining and Visualizing Worldwide News to Monitor Xenophobic Violence Towards Migrants and Refugees".
ICYMI #WebArchiveWednesday, our project studying web advertisements has been funded by @US_IMLS! For details on this two-year collaboration between @DrexelCCI & @WebSciDL, check out the blog post (👇) or read the full narrative: https://t.co/y9n5TMfk1Zhttps://t.co/b41lAnzH1t
— Mat Kelly (@machawk1) August 17, 2022
We are very excited to receive very competitive @NSF CISE-MSI award worth $400k for collaborative research in collaboration with @BowieState Computer Science, Psychology and @oducs with Anne Perrotti @slpmichalek https://t.co/MQdhuCKryA @WebSciDL @NirdsLab @ODUSCI @epsODU @odu
— Sampath Jayarathna (@OpenMaze) July 18, 2022
We are grateful for the @nsf for additional REU supplement $16k to support our awesome undergraduate researchers for the S&CC planning grant project. Great to hear the funding news today during our first focus group meeting at NJDC. @slpmichalek @WebSciDL @oducs @odu @ODUSCI https://t.co/FDG9eI8Wxx pic.twitter.com/d0roISgkds
— Sampath Jayarathna (@OpenMaze) October 24, 2022
First big in-person meeting, @NSF Smart & Connected Communities PI meeting to present our grant progress https://t.co/DHBcveBY4T @WebSciDL @oducs @ODUSCI @odu pic.twitter.com/sLzTIztxQv
— Sampath Jayarathna (@OpenMaze) October 11, 2022
Will 2023 finally be "normal"?
While 2022 was an improvement over 2021 with regards to travel, in-person classes, meetings, and the like, it was not the same as 2019; perhaps it will never be that way again. The impact of Covid has lessened, but it is still impacting our research group, with meetings periodically rescheduled due to faculty or students being sick.
Despite these challenges, 2022 was an exceptional year for us: we graduated two students (1 PhD, 1 MS), and added six graduate (5 PhD, 1MS) and two undergraduate students. We continued to publish in prestigious venues, and we more than tripled 2021's level of external funding (2021 itself was also a tripling of 2020's funding). Our PhD students continue to get great jobs in academia, government, and industry; for example, this year Dr. Alexander Nwala finished his two year post-doc at Observatory on Social Media at Indiana University and is now a tenure-track assistant professor of data science at William and Mary. WS-DL continues to grow and thrive, and I am proud of all the members and alumni and their progress in 2022.
If you would like to join WS-DL, please get in touch. To get a feel for our recent activities, please review our previous WS-DL annual summaries (2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013) and be sure to follow us at @WebSciDL to keep up to date with publications, software releases, trip reports and other activities. We especially would like to thank all those who have publicly complimented some aspect of the Web Science and Digital Libraries Research Group: our code, services, papers, or students and faculty. We really appreciate the feedback, some of which we include below.
Pretty incredible tools coming out of the "lifetime of a web page" research we're doing w/ @WebSciDL @oducs and @internetarchive. pic.twitter.com/kletRcjUoF
— @dietrich@mastodon.social (@dietrich) August 18, 2022
Thank you @phonedude_mln for helping us better understand how the Wayback Machine works.https://t.co/OAoGMMSnXM
— Mark Graham (@MarkGraham) November 3, 2022
Keep an eye on this one. ODU's WSDL group has some of the best scraping scholars & engineers out there. https://t.co/dixztgmw2y
— boB Rudis 🇺🇦 🐘@hrbrmstr@mastodon.social (@hrbrmstr) September 6, 2022
Thank you for hosting me! You are doing amazing research for the future of #Eyetracking! I especially like the multi-user gaze estimation approaches with deep learning. Great to meet you all in person again!
— Michael A. Herzog (@maherzog) September 21, 2022
Chat with me about #webarchiving today at the Linked Archives workshop at #TPDL2022. Presenting "Detecting content drift on the web using web archives and textual similarity", inspired by the work of @shawnmjones and @phonedude_mln.
— Dr. Brenda Reyes Ayala (@CamtheWicked) September 20, 2022
Thank you @weiglemc & again for your valuable time dedicated to your wonderful presentation! All best to you & your colleagues @WebSciDL @oducs @OldDominion & let's do keep in touch!
— Jeffrey S Reznick (he/him) (@jeffreysreznick) November 18, 2022
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