2022-02-16: Trust Management in Multi-Agent Systems via Deep Reinforcement Learning

VANET system modeled in Zhang et al.

I discovered Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)  sometime around the end of 2014 when I was taking Dr. Charles Isbell's and Dr. Michael Littman's Machine Learning course during the course of my masters degree. One of the projects (during the Reinforcement Learning (RL) section of the course) was to code up a Deep Q Network to play Lunar Lander (a classic tutorial nowadays).  This is the project that cemented my focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning and lead to my current career. This was right around when my daughter was born and all concept of time management disappeared from my life and, I mean, what better hobby for a gamer computer scientist with no free time to game than one where you teach the computer to play for you? So, I feel its natural for me to look for approaches which couple my area of professional expertise and my interests. 

In my previous post: Evaluating Trust in User-Data Networks: What Can We Learn from Waze? I detailed how Waze, the community data driven GPS navigation social network, evaluates the trustworthiness of users and the data they provide. Then, I reviewed some prior art in measuring trust and uncertainty in various systems like social and Internet of Things (IoT) networks, finally teasing out common features of each approach - most notably an implicit dependency that exists between the interactions between agents (either human or autonomous) and their behavior in the system. In the case of the blog post I defined "behavior" as the relative accuracy of the data the agents provided.
Managing trust is key when we're dealing with any kind of dynamic system where its stability relies on the actions of other agents over which we have no control. So I turn my attention toward approaches in Trust Management. I was drawn toward one approach in particular which leverages Deep Reinforcement Learning agents to manage multi-agent trust in a Software-Defined Network (SDN) for a Vehicular ad-hoc Network (VANET). In A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Trust Management Scheme for Software-defined Vehicular Networks, Zhang et al. propose a dueling deep reinforcement learning framework to deploy a centralized controller to a SDN to learn trust-based routing between agents in a VANET. That's a mouthful and it requires some significant background in RL to grok so let me try to bring you up to speed, hopefully without teaching you an entire course on the subject...
There are three main areas of Machine Learning; Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning. Supervised Learning is the approach most people think of when they refer to Machine Learning. It's where you train a model on a set of labeled data, where the label is the target category (in the case of a classification or logistic regression model) or value (in the case of a linear regression model),  in order to make some sort of decision when presented with a new, unlabeled, instance of data. Some common forms of Supervised Learning are computer vision-based object recognition, text classification, and sentiment analysis just to name a few. On the other hand, Unsupervised Learning uses a data set with, you guessed it, unlabeled data. Unsupervised Learning approaches seek to understand the underlying structure of the data to gain insights into its organization through statistical methods like clustering and latent variable modeling. Applications of Unsupervised Learning include anomaly detection, data visualization, dimensionality reduction, and probably most famously - generating images of humans that don't actually exist. Finally, the third area of machine learning - Reinforcement Learning - tries to predict the reward an agent receives by taking some action in an environment, according to a defined reward function. It doesn't require labeled data to do so, it simply learns through exploration of the environment how to exploit its current understanding of the environment in order to maximize its total expected reward at a given time and it does so without explicit correction. The basic form of this approach is the agent/environment loop:
The Agent/Environment Loop in Reinforcement Learning

The two entities involved in the Reinforcement Learning loop are the agent and the environment. The agent is the process by which some system makes decisions, not necessarily the system itself. For example, when we refer to the agent when speaking about a floor cleaning robot we don't mean the physical, mechanical form of the robot. The agent refers to the software making the decisions for any path planning or battery state of health for said robot. The environment is the "place" where its state has some probability of change due to any actions the agent takes in it. For the purposes of the floor cleaning robot this would typically be the room it's supposed to clean. In the paper we will discuss the environment is the network of vehicles through which it's planning optimal network paths.

The environment has some set of states S. The agent has access to some set of actions, A, and can take an action a ∈ A at time t, aₜ, in the environment.  At the time the agent takes this action, the environment is in its current state, s ∈ S. Once the action is executed in the environment, there is a probability of transition to a new state, sₜ₊₁. The key to Reinforcement Learning is the reward function. Once that transition from s to sₜ₊₁ takes place, the environment should emit some reward r.

As the agent explores the environment the agent should, over time, learn the dynamics of the system. We represent these dynamics as a Markov Decision Process (MDP). As the agent learns an ever-increasing representative MDP for the environment, it learns when to exploit beneficial states and when to explore new unexplored states to increase its total expected reward in the environment. Learning this balance between exploration and exploitation of the states is known as the agent's policy and the hope is that the agent will, over time, converge onto an optimal policy. Once this happens, the agent should know which action to take in a given state to effect optimal performance in the environment. Or in the words of the greatest band of all time: 

The Q-learning equation broken down to its constituent parts

The authors employ the use of Q-learning based neural networks for their proposed method. The above image shows the Q-learning algorithm's Q equation, which is used to calculate a currently optimal State-Action selection policy for all future states starting at the current state. You can see from its form that Qⁿᵉʷ is derived arithmetically over Q(sₜ, aₜ) (the current state) and the maximum Q the agent has learned from the future state (maxQ(sₜ₊₁, a)). This recursive nature points to the Q function's place among the Bellman equations, which are key to numerous approaches in artificial intelligence, optimization and dynamic programming. They pop up everywhere. Additionally, there are two hyper-parameters available to configure. The learning rate, α (note that this is the greek alpha), controls the velocity of the change in the gradient descent during back propagation in the neural network. The discount factor, γ, introduces exponential decay on the future value estimates. This allows for preferring delayed (for smaller decay) or immediate (for larger decay) reward.

Essentially, a Q-learning agent learns a table with states and actions on the axes, with each "cell" containing the maximum reward returned in a given state and the action that earned it. However, calculating over a table in large state spaces quickly becomes inefficient so we turn toward function approximation to alleviate the table problem using a neural network as the function approximator (actually it's two neural networks but I will leave that for the reader to delve into).

Ok. So that was a really quick and dirty intro into RL, Q-learning, and Deep RL. Now we can turn our attention toward A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Trust Management Scheme for Software-defined Vehicular Networks. In it, Zhang et al. propose a dueling deep reinforcement learning network architecture to evaluate trust in nodes in a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET). A VANET is a network of vehicles operating in the same environment providing vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-ground-station data communications and are key to intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and autonomous vehicles. Each vehicle and ground station in a VANET is a node in a dynamic network that grows and shrinks as more vehicles enter or leave the network or as the network leaves the service area of a given ground station. The dynamic nature of VANETs leaves it vulnerable to nodes exhibiting malicious behavior through bad quality of service in which they fail to forward packets. Since these malicious nodes reduce the VANET's quality of service through degradation of performance, the network should be routed such that packets avoid as many intermediate malicious nodes along the routing path as possible. The authors propose training and deploying a deep learning network architecture as an agent for a VANET as a SDN to provide this trust-based routing control.

VANET system modeled in Zhang et. al

The VANET is modeled as a 12 vehicle VANET environment shown in the image above. They hold the node population static so as to avoid dynamic sizing of the malicious population and allow nodes to change state between good and malicious performance. Each vehicle connects to its neighbor or a ground station to communicate information on its speed, direction, and trust. Malicious nodes will drop information passed to it, so the network needs to route around them as much as possible to maintain good quality of service by selecting the most trusted neighbor at each hop.

T-DDRL network architecture from Zhang et al.

The Trust-based Dual Deep Reinforcement (T-DDRL) Learning framework proposed by Zhang et al.

The T-DDRL relies on the trust information of a node as its reward function and is modeled by the node's forwarding ratio. Computing trustworthiness for any pair of vehicles <i, j> at time t is defined as Vᵢⱼ(t):

where VTᵢⱼᶜ⁽ᵗ⁾ represents the trust value of control routing information and VTᵢⱼᴰ⁽ᵗ⁾ represents the data packet direct trust - these represent the two forwarding ratios under consideration. Each ω parameter is a weighting factor determining which trust forwarding ratio is more important to the trustworthiness of the vehicle. The paper considers ω₁ = ω₂ so both path discovery and data forwarding are processed simultaneously.

The forwarding ratio, for example, for the control routing information direct trust VTᵢⱼᶜ⁽ᵗ⁾, is calculated according to the interaction between two neighbor vehicles:

(5) is simply the ratio between the total number of packets sent between vehicle i and j 
and the number of packets forwarded to the next hop by vehicle j all in the same time-step t. The ratio is similarly computed for the data packet direct trust VTᵢⱼᴰ⁽ᵗ⁾. These ratios are used as the immediate reward (the reward at time t) for all links in the network including the current vehicles i and j through the path from source to sink, assuming optimal trust information for all future links.

In the simulation, the proposed scheme with deep neural networks is compared with two existing schemes: The first scheme is trust-based software-defined networking for VANETs. The main problem with this scheme is that it can't respond in a situation where any trusted vehicle in the network becomes a malicious node. The second scheme is the original Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) protocol.

The vehicles, RSU, and the SDN controller are randomly deployed within the simulation. The authors assume that a vehicle's state can be either good or bad, bounded by a set threshold. Good vehicles are trusted nodes and bad vehicles are considered malicious since they degrade network performance. Finally, the set the transition probability between the source and destination vehicle to 1.
Figure 4: Convergence performance vs. differing architectures of DQN
Figure 5: Convergence performance versus differing learning rates in DQN

Figures 4 and 5 show the learning performance of a neural network with varying layers and a dueling neural network with varying learning rates, respectively. Figure 4 shows that the 9 layer network configuration reaches convergence fastest vs. 7 and 8 layers. Figure 5 shows that convergence is detrimentally impacted by increasing learning rates. These results were used for hyper-parameter tuning for a final architecture configuration.

Figure 6: Average network throughput vs. differing data rates

Figure 7: Average end-to-end delay vs. differing number of vehicles

Figures 6 and 7 show the effect various methods have on the performance of the network. Figure 6 shows that the proposed 9 layer network results in the best average network throughput vs. all other tested methods. Figure 7 shows that the 9 and 8 layer networks resulted in slightly higher delay due to the fact that they are optimized to select a path based on node trust and not on minimum hops. This is likely to result in a longer source-to-sink path. The authors determine that this delay is negligible vs. the added security and intelligence benefits of their proposed method.

In conclusion, we went over several things in this post; we reviewed my prior post Evaluating Trust in User-Data Networks: What Can We Learn from Waze? which introduced the idea of trust metrics and various prior-work on evaluating agent trust and data, I introduced the concepts of VANETs, Reinforcement Learning, Q-learning, and Deep Reinforcement Learning to present some background information needed for the paper we reviewed, and finally we reviewed said paper A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Trust Management Scheme for Software-defined Vehicular Networks by Zhang et al. Zhang et al. shows us that a trust-defined reward function paired with deep reinforcement learning is a viable method for intelligent autonomous decision-making in a system. However, their proposed solution is based on a predefined trust metric. Pairing a system like their T-DDRL system with one that provides predicted trust observations that don't require pre-definition would allow for the implementation of end-to-end, trust-based decision making with generality respective to the trust metric involved. In a future post, we will investigate some ideas on how to achieve such a system.


Mnih, V., Kavukcuoglu, K., Silver, D. et al. Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. Nature 518, 529–533 (2015). DOI:https://doi.org/10.1038/nature14236

Dajun Zhang, F. Richard Yu, Ruizhe Yang, and Helen Tang. 2018. A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Trust Management Scheme for Software-defined Vehicular Networks. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications (DIVANet'18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–7. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3272036.3272037

- Jim Ecker
