2019-07-15: Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) Tutorial for Windows

First of all, I would like to give credit to Matt Gray for going through the major hassle in figuring out the prerequisites and for the awesome documentation provided on how to Install and Use Lab Streaming Layer on Windows.
In this blog, I will guide you how to install open source Lab Stream Layer (LSL) and stream data (eye tracking example using PupilLabs eye tracker) to NeuroPype Academic edition. Though a basic version of LSL is available along with NeuroPype, you will still need to complete following prerequisites before installing LSL.
You can find installation instructions for LSL at https://github.com/sccn/labstreaminglayer/blob/master/doc/BUILD.md. The intention of this blog is to provide an easier and more streamlined step-by-step guide for installing LSL and NeuroPype.
LSL is low-level technology for exchange of time series between programs and computers.

Figure: LSL core components
Source: ftp://sccn.ucsd.edu/pub/bcilab/lectures/Demo_1_The_Lab_Streaming_Layer.pdf

Christian A. Kothe, one of the developers of LSL, has a YouTube video in which he explains the structure and function of LSL.
Figure: LSL network overview
Source: ftp://sccn.ucsd.edu/pub/bcilab/lectures/Demo_1_The_Lab_Streaming_Layer.pdf
Installing Dependencies for LSL: LSL need to be built and installed manually using CMakeWe will need a C++ compiler to install LSL. We can use Visual Studio 15 2017 as  C++ compiler. In addition to CMake and Visual Studio, it is required to install Git, Qt, and Boost prior to LSL installation. Though Qt and Boost are not required for the core liblsl library, they are required for some of the apps used to connect to the actual devices.

Installing Visual Studio 15.0 2017: Visual Studio can be downloaded and installed from https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/older-downloads/. You must download Visual Studio 2017 since other versions (including latest 2019) does not work when building some of the dependencies.  You can select community version as it is free.
VS version - 2017

The installation process will ask which Workloads you want to install additionally. Select the following Workloads to install. 
        1. .NET desktop development
        2. Desktop development with C++
        3.  Universal Windows Platform development

Figure: Workloads need to be installed additionally
   Installing Git: Git is open source distributed version control system. We will use Git to download the LSL Git repository. Download Git for Windows from https://git-scm.com/download/win. Continue the installation with default settings except feel free to choose your own default text editor (vim, notepad++, sublime, etc) to use with git.In addition, when encountered Adjust your PATH environment page, make sure to choose the Git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software option in order to execute git commands using command prompt, python prompts, and other third party software.

Installing CMake:
Figure: First interface of CMake Installer
CMake is a program for building/installing other programs onto an OS. 
You can download CMake from https://cmake.org/download/. Choose the cmake-3.14.3-win64-x64.msi file to download under Binary distributions
When installing, feel free to choose the default selections, except, when prompted, choose Add CMake to the system PATH for all users.

Installing Qt:
Qt is a GUI generation program mostly used to create user interfaces. Some of the LSL apps use this to create user interfaces for the end user to interact with when connecting to the device. 
Open-source version can be downloaded and installed from https://www.qt.io/download. An executable installer for Qt is provided so installing should be easy. 

You will be asked to enter details of a Qt account in the install wizard. You can either create or log in if you have an account already. 
Figure: Qt Account creation step

-      During the installation process, select defaults for all options except in the Select Components page, select the following to install:
o Under Qt 5.12.3:
§  MSVC 2017 64-bit
§  MinGW 7.3.0 64-bit
§  UWP ARMv7 (MSVC 2017)
§  UWP x64 (MSVC 2017)
§  UWP x86 (MSVC 2017)
Figure: Select Components to be installed in Qt

The directory that you need for installing LSL is  C:\Qt\5.12.3\msvc2017_64\lib\cmake\Qt5

Installing Boost
Boost is a set of C++ libraries which provides additional functionalitis to C++ coding. Boost also needs to be compiled/installed manually. The online instructions for doing this is at https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_69_0/more/getting_started/windows.html.
You can download Boost from https://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_67_0.html. Select the downloaded boost_1_67_0.zip file and extract it directly into your C:\ drive. Then, open a command prompt window and navigate to C:\boost_1_67_0 folder using cd C:\boost_1_67_0 command.

Then execute 
1. bootstrap 
2. .\b2 
commands one after the other.
Figure: Executing bootstrap and .\b2 commands

Figure: After Executing bootstrap and .\b2 commands

The directory that you need for installing LSL is C:\boost_1_67_0\stage\lib

Installing Lab Streaming Layer: Clone lab streaming layer repository from Github into your C:\ drive.

In a command prompt, execute following commands. 
1. cd C:\
2. git clone https://github.com/sccn/labstreaminglayer.git --recursive
Make a build directory in the labstreaminglayer folder
3. cd labstreaminglayer
4. mkdir build && cd build

Configure lab streaming layer using CMake

5. cmake C:\labstreaminglayer -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"  

The above command configures LSL, defines which Apps are installed, and tell LSL where the Qt, Boost, and other dependencies are installed.
     i.     C:\labstreaminglayer is the path to the lab streaming layer root directory (where you cloned LSL from Gihub)
                                    ii.     The –G command defines the compiler used to compile LSL ( We use Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64)
                                    iii.     –D is the command for additional options.
1.     –DLSL_LSLBOOST_PATH à Path to the LSL Boost directory
2.     –DQt5_DIR à Path to Qt cmake files
3.     –DBOOST_ROOT à Path to installed boost libraries
4.   –DLSLAPPS_<App Name>=ON à These are the Apps located in the Apps folder (C:\labstreaminglayer\Apps) that you want installed. Just add the name of the folder within the Apps folder that you want installed directly after –DLSLAPPS_ with no spaces 
Build (install) lab streaming layer using CMake
6. cd ..
7. mkdir install

      8. cmake --build C:\labstreaminglayer\build --config Release --target C:\labstreaminglayer\install

Now, that the LSL installation is complete, we will have a look at the LabRecorder. Labrecorder is the main LSL program to interact with all the streams. You can find the LabRecorder program at C:\labstreaminglayer\install\LabRecorder\ LabRecorder.exe.

The interface of LabRecorder  looks like following.
Figure: LabRecorder interface when PupilLabs is streaming

The green color check box entries below Record from Streams are the PupilLabs’(eye tracking device) streams. When all programs are installed and running for each respective device, the devices’ streams will appear as above under Record from Streams.You can check your required data stream from the devices listed, then just press Start to begin data recording from all the devices. The value under Saving to on the right specify where the data files (in XDF format) will be saved.

Installing PupilLabs LSL connection: There are many devices which could be connected with LSL. Muse EEG device, Emotive Epoc EEG device, and PupiLabs core eye tracker are some of them. The example below shows how to use PupilLabs core eye tracker with LSL for streaming data to NeuroPype.

Figure : PupilLabs core eye tracker, Source - https://pupil-labs.com/products/core/

Let us first begin with Setting Up PupilLabs core eye tracker. You can find instructions for using and developing with PupilLabs here. I’ll provide some steps to setup everything from start to finish to work with LSL below though.  The LSL install instructions for PupilLabs is at https://github.com/labstreaminglayer/App-PupilLabs/tree/9c7223c8e4b8298702e4df614e7a1e6526716bcc

To setup PupilLabs Eyetracker, first you have to download PupilLabs software from https://github.com/pupil-labs/pupil/releases/tag/v1.11. You can go ahead and choose pupil_v1.11-4-gb8870a2_windows_x64.7z file and unzip it into your C:\ drive. You may need 7z unzip program for unzipping. Then, you just have to plug in the PupilLabs eye tracker to your computer. It will automatically begin to install drivers for the hardware.

After that, you can run the Pupil Capture program located at: C:\pupil_v1.11-4-gb8870a2_windows_x64\pupil_capture_windows_x64_v1.11-4-gb8870a2\pupil_capture.exe with Administrative Privileges so that it can install the necessary drivers. Next, you can follow the instructions in https://docs.pupil-labs.com/ to setup, calibrate, and use the eye tracker with the Pupil Capture program.

Connect PupilLabs with LSL: Build liblsl-Python in a Python or Anaconda Prompt. You could do with your command prompt as well. Execute following commands:
1. cd C:\labstreaminglayer\LSL\liblsl-Python
2. python setup.py build

Then, you have to install LSL as plugin in Pupil Capture program. 
a.     In the newly created C:\labstreaminglayer\LSL\liblsl-Python\build\lib folder, copy the pylsl folder and all its contents into the C:\Users\<user_profile>\pupil_capture_settings\plugins folder (replace <user_profile> with your Windows user profile).
b.     In the C:\labstreaminglayer\Apps\PupilLabs folder, copy pupil_lsl_relay.py into the C:\Users\<user_profile>\pupil_capture_settings\plugins folder.
Figure: Original Location of  pupil_lsl_relay.py

Figure: After copying pupil_lsl_relay.py and pylsl folder into C:\Users\<user_profile>\pupil_capture_settings\plugins folder

If the pylsl folder does not have lib folder containing liblsl64.dll, there is a problem with pylsl build. As an alternative approach, install pylsl via pip by running pip3 install pylsl command in command prompt. Make sure you have installed pip in your computer prior running these commands in your command prompt. You can use pip3 show pylsl command to see where is the pylsl module built in your compute. This module will include the pre-built library files. Copy this newly created pylsl module to the C:\Users\<user_profile>\pupil_capture_settings\plugins folder. 
In this example,  pylsl module  was installed in C:\Users\<user_profile>\AppData\Local\Python\Python37\Lib\site-packages\pylsl folder. It includes a lib folder which contains 
 Figure: pylsl module's installation location when used pip3 install pylsl command
As the next step, launch pupil_capture.exe and enable Pupil LSL Relay from Plugin manager in Pupil Capture – World window.

Figure: Enabled Pupil LSL Realy from Plugin Manager
Now when you hit the R button on the left of World window, you start recording from PupilLabs while streaming it to the LSL.  In Labrecorder, you could see the streams in green color (see Figure LabRecorder interface when PupilLabs is streaming).
Now, let's have a look at how to get data from LSL to Neuropype.

Getting Started with Neuropype and Pipeline Designer:
First, you have to download and install the NeuroPype Academic Edition (neuropype-suite-academic-edition-2017.3.2.exe) from https://www.neuropype.io/academic-edition. The NeuroPype Academic Edition includes a Pipeline Designer application, which you can use to design, edit, and execute NeuroPype pipelines using a visual ‘drag-and-drop’ interface. 

Before launching Neuropype Pipeline Designer, make sure that NeuroPype Server is running on background. If not, you can run it by double clicking on NeuroPype Academic icon. You can set to launch NeuroPype server on startup as well. 
The large white area in the following screenshot is the ‘canvas’ that shows your current pipeline, which you can edit using drag-and-drop and double-click actions. On the left you have the widget panel, which has all the available widgets or nodes that you can drag onto the canvas.

Create an Example Pipeline: Select LSL Input node in Network (green) section, Dejitter Timestamp in Utilities section (light blue), Assign Channel Locations in Source Localization section (Pink), Print To Console in Diagnostics section (pink) from widget panel.
Canvas looks like Fig. Pipeline created in Neuropype after creating the pipeline. After getting the nodes to the canvas, you can connect them using the dashed curved lines on both sides of them. Double click on either of the dashed line of one node and drag the connecting line to a dashed curved line of the other node. It will create a connection between two nodes named Data.
You can hover the mouse over any section or widget or click on a widget on canvas and see a tooltip that briefly summarizes it. 

Figure: Pipeline created in Neuropype
Start Processing
LSL is not only a way to get data from one computer to another, but also to get data from your EEG system, or any other kind of sensor that supports it, into NeuroPype. You can also use it to get data out of NeuroPype into external real-time visualizations, stimulus presentation software, and so on.
Make sure that the LSL Input node has a query string that matches that sensor. For instance, if you use PupilLabs, you need to enter type=’Pupil Capture’ as below. Then NeuroPype will pick up data from the PupilLabs eye tracker.
Figure: Set up type of LSL Input
To launch the current patch, click the BLUE pause icon in the toolbar (initially engaged) to unpause it. As a result, the Pipeline Designer will ask the NeuroPype server to start executing your pipeline. This will print some output. 

Congratulations! You successfully set up LSL, PupilLabs and NeuroPype Academic version. Go ahead and experiment with your EEG system, or any other kind of sensor that supports LSL and NeuroPype.

Feel free to tweet @Gavindya2 if you have any questions about this tutorial or need any help with your installation.

--Gavindya Jayawardena (@Gavindya2)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi,

    I have 2 issues:

    1. How do I execute the following codes ? I cannot do it in cmd

    cmake C:\labstreaminglayer -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"

    2. When I tried to execute this command
    cmake --build C:\labstreaminglayer\build --config Release --target C:\labstreaminglayer\install

    It gave me this error

    Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.9.21+g9802d43bc3 for .NET Framework
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    MSBUILD : error MSB1009: Project file does not exist.
    Switch: C:\labstreaminglayer\install.vcxproj.vcxproj

    Thanks for your helpful tutorial

  3. The error is missing path to MSBuild.exe . The possible solution is to install MSBuild.exe or run cmake from MSBuild.exe's location.
    Related solutions could be found in: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44478492/cmake-failed-to-run-msbuild-command-msbuild-exe

    1. Hello Gavindya. Excuse me, do you know how to fix this error? Could you tell me how please?

    2. Hello Gavindya. I have the same error. Do you know how to fix it? the answer of the blog, It didnt work for me. Thank u

  4. Hi, we've had a couple LSL users who found this blog post but were unable to follow these instructions. It turns out that these instructions for the LSL + LabRecorder part are unnecessary for most users. Just download the pre-compiled builds: https://github.com/labstreaminglayer/App-LabRecorder/releases

    The official LSL documentation is located at https://labstreaminglayer.readthedocs.io/

  5. Hello, I get an error at step 5:

    C:\labstreaminglayer> -DLSL_LSLBOOST_PATH=C:\labstreaminglayer\LSL\liblsl\lslboost

    '-DLSL_LSLBOOST_PATH' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    How can I solve it? Everything went smoothly up to that point but none of the codes starting with a "-" works. Thank you.

  6. @turkan , step 5 is all one command, not different commands on each line.

    But ignore that and read the comment above yours.

  7. Tried many times to build all apps at once. If anyone is unable to build the apps using the above guide you can go to any sub-module of LabStreamingLayer repo and download the latest release.
    For example, AudioCapture repo: https://github.com/labstreaminglayer/App-AudioCapture/tree/a527e0966f26ca3c629e9b2095e4e5d557e4000a , has release at https://github.com/labstreaminglayer/App-AudioCapture/releases


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