2020-12-29: #WebArchiveWednesday Tweets from @WebSciDL in 2020
Below I provide an edited list of the #WebArchiveWednesday tweets from or about our group during 2020. Many are announcing our own software releases, trip reports, defenses, blog posts, and other contributions, but I also made an effort to provide commentary about the web archiving work of others as well. This list should not be taken as definitive, but rather as an almost weekly selection of whatever caught our eye on (or near) Wednesdays.
In collecting the tweets, I've maintained chronological order, eliminated near-duplicates/repeats, included tweets that used incorrect hashtags, and fixed one notable omission. Some are single tweets and some are lengthy threads, but only a single tweet per thread is embedded here. I compiled the list by hand, so assume there are errors and omissions.
#WebArchiveWednesday: @zittrain wrote about two possible outcomes in a world w/o privacy: https://t.co/K9TWPUQall
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) February 19, 2020
Of the many links in the article, one was to the @waybackmachine & it was blocked from replay. I spent much of Sunday chasing that link: https://t.co/RdzGW2JI0f
Occasionally you see vulnerabilities that are so obvious you wonder how it is that nobody checked for them.
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) February 26, 2020
I'm going to tag this with "#WebArchiveWednesday" since web archiving ppl are very familiar with the problems of trapping & rewriting URLs (TNR: trap-n-rewrite?) https://t.co/MPDuE1Xkbl
@aalsum looked at this briefly in 2013:
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) March 4, 2020
"Archival HTTP Redirection Retrieval Policies"https://t.co/55GI94nRDa
archive could maintain redirection backlinks; in SSRC example would enable "items" URI-T (begin=2019) to link to "parameters" URI-T (begin=2018)#WebArchiveWednesday pic.twitter.com/EDmxt15D80
Links in SERPs for "coronavirus $univname" would be good seeds. Interesting some queries (VT, UF) get alerts from CDC, Google, etc. and some don't (ODU, NSU): function of queries, univs, or geo?. Links could be deduped across SERPs .#WebArchiveWednesday cc @acnwala pic.twitter.com/iGSnvNvkJN
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) March 11, 2020
For #WebArchiveWednesday, just a reminder that @ibnesayeed recently released an update of MemGator, an open source #Memento aggregator.
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) March 18, 2020
If you're accessing > 1 archive in a script, do yourself a favor and set up your own copy of MemGator.
cc @WebSciDLhttps://t.co/JWM2m6xFj0
In today's #WebArchiveWednesday @WebSciDL blog post, I outline my recent @StormyArchives work on the SHARI process, a collaboration with @acnwala, for combining #webarchives and current events #storytelling. https://t.co/ZNB6RfMthX pic.twitter.com/RC5np1ocS5
— Shawn M. Jones (@shawnmjones) April 1, 2020
On #WebArchiveWednesday, we look back at @weiglemc's 2013 presentation "Telling Stories with Web Archives" highlighting @WebSciDL #webarchives work by @yasmina_anwar, @aalsum, @justinfbrunelle, @machawk1, @hanysalaheldeen, @ScottGAinsworth & others.https://t.co/7y0azgwP8x
— Dark and Stormy Archives (@StormyArchives) April 29, 2020
for #WebArchiveWednesday, see this #cni20s presentation from @mart1nkle1n & Luda.
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) April 29, 2020
TL;DW: DOI resolution varies based on where/how/who is asking. If you're archiving DOIs, you're going to get diff results.
preprint: https://t.co/TdYUBY8X0rhttps://t.co/gFosGahLeY
Sharing this insightful #warcnet-related thread for #WebArchiveWednesday
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) May 6, 2020
summary: researchers probably don't want full WARCs, they want derivatives instead. It will be the job of libs/archives to produce & distribute those derivatives. https://t.co/kOrd7n7MhY
For #WebArchiveWednesday, I reveal that my professorial superpower is making #GenX cultural references for which "your parents will think this is hilarious" will soon no longer apply.#SayAnythinghttps://t.co/6gUg9pOYc7https://t.co/8fC2vRFhis
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) May 20, 2020
a good thread from @BrandyZadrozny for #WebArchiveWednesday
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) May 20, 2020
me: eventually, moderation & contextualization come for all platforms, including web archives.https://t.co/TSO0LLbWo8
TimeMap Visualization (TMVis) resources for #WebArchiveWednesday:
— Michele Weigle (@weiglemc) May 27, 2020
screencast demo: https://t.co/TaedCuBn0S
demo web service: https://t.co/pjarrpTKK8
source code: https://t.co/0l5o2ldnn2
embed example: https://t.co/0fnqa1QahF
@WebSciDL https://t.co/nQlDCImHdZ
for #WebArchiveWednesday, a resource I use in my "Web Archiving Forensics" class:
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) May 27, 2020
"Data Craft: The Manipulation of Social Media Metadata" by @amelia_acker / @datasociety
describes augmenting social media metadata w web archives to detect manipulationhttps://t.co/rMJXHQrmsn pic.twitter.com/eLNRG6osz8
Unfortunately, it's not really a 404. @Twitter now sends a "soft 404", sending "200 OK" where it should be sending a "404 Not Found". Not just for tweets that used to exist (left), but also for tweet IDs that never existed (right).#WebArchiveWednesday @TwitterSupport pic.twitter.com/U0ttdFD8p8
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) June 3, 2020
In today's @WebSciDL blog post, we announce the prototype of Hypercane, a tool to intelligently sample mementos from a #webarchives collection, important for #storytelling. This is part one of a three part series, to be released each #WebArchiveWednesday. https://t.co/6LY1ZX1Txq
— Dark and Stormy Archives (@StormyArchives) June 3, 2020
The initial @WebSciDL/@ODUcs CS 795/895 "Web Archiving Forensics" Fall 2020 course page is available:https://t.co/UYKj1NkkSn
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) June 10, 2020
The reading list is mostly the Spring 2019 list pushed forward. I'll update through the summer; suggestions welcome.#WebArchiveWednesday
For #WebArchiveWednesday, in part 2 of our @WebSciDL blog series, we further explore how the #webarchiving #summarization tool Hypercane can synthesize output for tools like AUT from @unleasharchives and Raintale from @StormyArchives. https://t.co/AkHlDTxV0a
— Shawn M. Jones (@shawnmjones) June 10, 2020
The CNN home page is now replayable through the @internetarchive/@waybackmachine.@MarkGraham told me ~6 weeks ago the fix was coming, but I just now remembered to check.
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) June 10, 2020
The first unreplayable home page was on 2016-11-01:https://t.co/kvsuYTpkc0#WebArchiveWednesday pic.twitter.com/9kkv9pZzV2
In part 3 (final) of our @WebSciDL series on the #webarchiving #summarization tool Hypercane, we cover applying the identify, filter, cluster, score, and order actions to create algorithms for sampling mementos from #webarchives. #WebArchiveWednesday https://t.co/k5pNFxlREX
— Shawn M. Jones (@shawnmjones) June 17, 2020
for #WebArchiveWednesday, this is a nice thread from @geekygirlsarah who browsed the web with #javascript turned off.
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) June 17, 2020
Spoiler: sites that work/mostly work: ~5%
js is also responsible for most of the difficulties in archiving the web.https://t.co/fGilK6jwNH
In a late #WebArchiveWednesday entry, a friend of mine sent me this story about the @internetarchive, including all the things they feature *other* the @waybackmachine.https://t.co/l0PXJdbnKe
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) June 25, 2020
This #WebArchiveWednesday @WebSciDL released a new version of #IPWB (https://t.co/TCsK5jlvjP) +2 other recent significant releases.
— Sawood Alam (@ibnesayeed) July 1, 2020
* Extensive @IPFS version support
* CI/CD/Release pipeline overhaul
* Matrix testing via @GitHub #Workflow
* 2 new GH #Actions
/cc @machawk1
I want to use #WebArchiveWednesday to draw attention to a paper that's had a big impact on @WebSciDL's research:@AdaLerner's "Rewriting History: Changing the Archived Web from the Present", ACM CCS, 2017
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) July 1, 2020
#WebArchiveWednesday New feature alert for StoryGraph's UI:
— StoryGraph (@storygraphbot) July 8, 2020
You can now easily view the links from a connected component by simply hovering over any node in the connected component.
cc @WebSciDL @acnwala https://t.co/4Dvk08B0yG pic.twitter.com/RpBFH2oNgd
For #WebArchiveWednesday, flashback to @LulwahMA's
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) July 8, 2020
"Comparing the Archival Rate of Arabic, English, Danish, and Korean Language Web Pages"
ACM TOIS, 2017https://t.co/IkgdjIJRAg
Twitter shut down its "legacy" UI on 2020-06-01.
— kritika garg (@kritika_garg) July 15, 2020
Unfortunately, the new UI is not easily crawlable or archivable by most
web archives.https://t.co/kOMWSCgmtG#WebArchivingWednesday @WebSciDL
Using web archives, we revisited the growth of Twitter followers of 27
— Mohammed Nauman Siddique (@m_nsiddique) July 15, 2020
Democratic presidential candidates between 2019-01-01 and 2020-04-18https://t.co/QFcSHbHCG1@WebSciDL @derekwillis #webarchivewednesday
#WebArchiveWednesday @neiltyson @librarycongress
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) July 22, 2020
Super interesting work. There's a paradox with memes: the more popular they are, the harder it is to discover the first/origin/base meme. Datetimes from web archives allow a timeline to be built. https://t.co/3U6tpHCKsL
Congratulations to Dr. Mohamed Aturban on his successful dissertation defense today! @oducs @WebSciDL pic.twitter.com/AGipIZzZJU
— Michele Weigle (@weiglemc) July 23, 2020
"[@WebSciDL] have managed students taking interdisciplinary approaches toward neglected but necessary areas of research beyond the computer science area under which they are housed."
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) July 28, 2020
Proud of @machawk1, now at @DrexelCCI!
(early #WebArchiveWednesday?)https://t.co/R1ureKqaHe
Congratulations Dr. Alexander Nwala!
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) July 28, 2020
@acnwala defended his dissertation today:
"Bootstrapping Web Archive Collections From Micro-collections In Social Media"@WebSciDL @oducs @ODUSCI @ODUVMASC @ODU (early #WebArchiveWednesday) pic.twitter.com/mqUGXzF87S
Robustify your links! #webarchiving teams @LosAlamosNatLab, @DANSKNAW, & @WebSciDL have created the Robust Links web service & API to tackle the issue of #ReferenceRothttps://t.co/W9dQiWjYTF@mart1nkle1n @shawnmjones @hvdsomp @phonedude_mln #RobustLinks #WebArchiveWednesday
— IIPC (@NetPreserve) July 29, 2020
I've spent some time learning about Archives Unleashed Cloud, a tool from @unleasharchives that can be used to analyze @archiveitorg collections. Its downloadable derivatives can be used in other tools for further analysis.#WebArchiveWednesday @WebSciDLhttps://t.co/Q1zcz41hvr
— Travis Reid (@TReid803) July 29, 2020
#WebArchiveWednesday: a #webarchiving paper just won the "best student paper" award at #JCDL2020
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) August 5, 2020
"Identifying Documents In-Scope of a Collection from Web Archives" https://t.co/Rozj27ju6c
The Twitter API tells you how many followers an acct has *now*.
— Mohammed Nauman Siddique (@m_nsiddique) August 5, 2020
Follower Count History can tell you how many followers an acct had in the *past*.
A Python module that scrapes archived Twitter acct pages.https://t.co/rVnGEnleAJ@WebSciDL #webarchivewednesday #webarchving
Presentation Slides: https://t.co/qV1cjCyfTY#WADL2020 #JCDL2020 #WebArchiveWednesday @WebSciDL https://t.co/npWwyS0KXF
— Dhruv (@dhruv_282) August 5, 2020
#WebArchiveWednesday In case of tech issues, I had pre-recorded my other #JCDL2020 #WADL2020 presentation about the SHARI process that incorporates multiple #storytelling #webarchiving from @WebSciDL @StormyArchives to tell stories about current #news.https://t.co/4k2EJXa5y3
— Shawn M. Jones (@shawnmjones) August 12, 2020
(late #WebArchiveWednesday)
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) August 13, 2020
Tweets can't be edited once posted, but the metadata around those tweets can, including the display name, profile photo, and background photo.
This means important context can be lost if *live* Twitter is to be used as an historical source.
.@stanfordpress used @webrecorder_io's new collection format WACZ for 6 projects. Their web archives are packaged into WACZ files & can be quickly loaded (since entire collection is not loaded at once) into a browser with https://t.co/iL5sQWFAfD.#WebArchiveWednesday @WebSciDL https://t.co/9aiGQbEFhG
— Travis Reid (@TReid803) August 19, 2020
A reminder for #webarchivewednesday: @LosAlamosNatLab and @WebSciDL still run a distributed experiment, started 2009. A snapshot per institution a day, both accessible via respective generic URIs using Memento datetime negotiation. https://t.co/vpAKyaHNkT https://t.co/N7VCtzNiKh
— Herbert (@hvdsomp) August 19, 2020
This issue is ongoing. Feel free to provide any suggestions on Archiving Twitter through @webrecorder_io forum https://t.co/Rka5sYxfHS@kritika_garg and I have illustrated our findings so far in @WebSciDL blog post https://t.co/XRKpvM6GeS
— Himarsha Jayanetti (@HimarshaJ) August 19, 2020
@IlyaKreymer #WebArchiveWednesday https://t.co/gy8BIRE2GB
How to visualize a change in webpage over time?
— kritika garg (@kritika_garg) August 19, 2020
1. By using TMVis (https://t.co/RRYfXDU1J5) by @WebSciDL. Read more @ https://t.co/Q2VxsFx4iS
2. By using #GLAMWorkbench notebook by @wragge. https://t.co/KyMTSzpXYu#WebArchiveWednesday
Remember the #Bitcoin #TwitterHack from last month (even though it seems like 3 years ago)?
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) August 19, 2020
Those tweets have all been deleted from the live web, but some persist in web archives. Will those archived tweets make sense in the future?https://t.co/3ZrZhVVyBG#WebArchiveWednesday pic.twitter.com/knTPRLes4l
#WebArchiveWednesday - @CamtheWicked's #TPDL2020 pub:
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) August 26, 2020
She studied @archiveitorg tickets in 3 dimensions:
1. diff/sim between live vs archived
2. on/off topic
3. archivability
see also diss:
slides: https://t.co/oKC1vtWaXN
doc: https://t.co/oKC1vtWaXNhttps://t.co/Gj7R6S2zuH
I wanted to download the DAWT dataset: Densely Annotated Wikipedia Texts across multiple languages.
— Hussam Hallak (@Hussam_A_Hallak) August 26, 2020
The paper is still available on the live web, however, there is no way of downloading the dataset.#WebArchivingWednesday @WebSciDL
#WeArchiveWednesday -- ICYMI, @dhruv_282 and @abigail_mabe did a great job on the Web Archiving & Digital Libraries Workshop trip report. WADL was held w/ JCDL had a great panel w/: @gen_milliken @emilymaemura @karenhansn @aquatic_archive @acnwalahttps://t.co/0Fde7Fy8m4
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) September 2, 2020
#WeArchiveWednesday -- ICYMI, @yasithmilinda and @Gavindya2 did a great job on the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries @jcdl20201 / #JCDL2020 Trip report. JCDL featured two paper sessions about #webarchiving.https://t.co/p29sznLg1x
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) September 2, 2020
What happened @tpdl2020? There is brief summary of #TPDL2020 in my latest @WebSciDL blog post. The blog post covers a few keynotes, & work by @mart1nkle1n/@Milbala (who won best paper!) and also @CamtheWicked, so it also works for #WebArchiveWednesday.https://t.co/DcdqZWwFiI
— Shawn M. Jones (@shawnmjones) September 9, 2020
1st reaction: yeah, that makes sense & it's basically what web archives do
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) September 9, 2020
2nd reaction: wait, we're dealing with #WebPageBloat by *compiling* web sites now?!#WebArchiveWednesday https://t.co/YVAEY5kCkm
An interesting study re: OA journal preservation.
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) September 9, 2020
I'd like to see 1) non-OA baseline, 2) deeper dives before "vanished"
paper: https://t.co/xs7fjYYxju
data: https://t.co/8zj1av072Bhttps://t.co/YSQU43SEkK#WebArchiveWednesday @mikaellaakso @l_matthia @najkoja @JeffreyBrainard
A visualization used by @WebSciDL @StormyArchives is the growth curve - giving us an idea of the curatorial involvement with a collection. Here we see how the growth curve for @NetPreserve's @archiveitorg COVID-19 collection changed between May and Sept. #WebArchiveWednesday pic.twitter.com/rFUE5tIqaX
— Shawn M. Jones (@shawnmjones) September 16, 2020
#WebArchiveWednesday reminder:
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) September 16, 2020
Follow @StormyArchives: a daily summary of overlapping US news stories from 17 different sources (left/middle/right). Computed from archived RSS feeds & visualized w archived stories.@shawnmjones & @acnwala have made many improvements recently.
A lot happening for #WebArchiveWednesday:
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) September 23, 2020
* Engaging with Web Archives @EWAConf #EWAVirtual wrapped yesterday & is now posting videos of talks
* Intl Conf on Digital Preservation (iPRES) @WeMissIPRES #WeMissiPRES is underwayhttps://t.co/Rsgj6liy5t
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) September 30, 2020
"The weaponization of web archives: Data craft and COVID-19 publics"@amelia_acker @mitchaiethttps://t.co/zqs2WST26m
Today, with "April 16 Archive," @WebSciDL @StormyArchives begins regular #storytelling #summarization of public @archiveitorg collections. We give users the gist of a #webarchiving collection with a small intelligent sample. #WebArchiveWednesdayhttps://t.co/h4V60J9UNX
— Shawn M. Jones (@shawnmjones) October 7, 2020
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) October 7, 2020
I was chatting w/ @ibnesayeed today and I offhandedly suggested site-specific URL canonicalization rules. Sawood mentioned this blog post by @kristsi.
TL;DR: "...you may not want to do that" and "...proceed with caution."
For #WebArchiveWednesday, @WebSciDL @StormyArchives summarized @archiveitorg collection 1757: New York City Places and Spaces, by @columbialib, reducing a collection of at least 4431 mementos to an intelligent sample of 23, giving visitors the gist of the collection. https://t.co/zuc1k48TBG
— Shawn M. Jones (@shawnmjones) October 15, 2020
from @zxie for #WebArchiveWednesday (via #JCDL2020):
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) October 14, 2020
"The Case for Alternative Web Archival Formats to Expedite the Data-To-Insight Cycle"
TL;DR: WARC is a win at crawl time (easy to write & manage), but shifts performance burden to analysis phase.https://t.co/jqIGBLjM4t
#WebArchiveWednesday - Patel, Caragea, @vphill, & @SUresearcher now have a preprint version of:
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) October 20, 2020
"Identifying Documents In-Scope of a Collection from Web Archives"
winner of best student paper at #JCDL2020https://t.co/FKmvLyIMbp
Belated #WebArchiveWednesday: the @WebSciDL @StormyArchives project has generated stories summarizing two #webarchiving collections on mass shootings. Through #storytelling we see how the two collections differ.https://t.co/FBD2Xy5NoChttps://t.co/yDoN97tVZN pic.twitter.com/g3WXzxH4qb
— Shawn M. Jones (@shawnmjones) October 22, 2020
For #WebArchiveWednesday, the @WebSciDL @StormyArchives project asks: is a @Wikipedia page a #webarchiving collection? As an experiment, we generated a story with the DSA Toolkit from the reference section of the Wikipedia article on Ruth Bader Ginsberg.https://t.co/y8ljRchqfL
— Shawn M. Jones (@shawnmjones) October 28, 2020
#WebArchiveWednesday@anatbd's "Counter-archiving Facebook"
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) October 28, 2020
is relevant (again) re: Facebook's cease & desist letter to the NYU Ad Observatoryhttps://t.co/32nydkFmYMhttps://t.co/t40QCPWMjO
If @katyperry’s @Instagram, with 107M followers, is not well-archived, what hope is there for the rest of us?#webarchiving #Instagram @WebSciDL @InternetArchive @RhizomeConifer and a very happy first-anniversary for #WebArchiveWednesday https://t.co/orpHXvqGMv
— Himarsha Jayanetti (@HimarshaJ) November 4, 2020
My contributions were sporadic at first, but since the summer I've tried to have something for each #WebArchiveWednesday. @WebSciDL will have two posts later today.
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) November 4, 2020
Thanks to @NetPreserve et al. for keeping it going! https://t.co/xDmoS5W2HN
"@WebSciDL" is the topmost frequently used word in #WebArchiveWednesday with four top-posters. @shawnmjones @phonedude_mln @weiglemc @acnwala
— Himarsha Jayanetti (@HimarshaJ) November 4, 2020
This encourages us to keep posting!
A proud and humble @WebSciDL-ite moment. https://t.co/xtIikiOXPu
New @Twitter UI mementos in @waybackmachine can be deceiving. Twitter's New UI causes temporal violations by replaying archived Twitter pages that never existed.
— kritika garg (@kritika_garg) November 4, 2020
#WebArchiveWednesdayhttps://t.co/rUg6wCvmkp@internetarchive @RhizomeConifer @WebSciDL #webarchiving
For #WebArchiveWednesday, we look at the last few days leading to our current US Election predicament as told by the @WebSciDL @StormyArchives SHARI process. Yesterday 34/85 sources covered the same aspects of election day.https://t.co/UNeM4Y9pyg
— Shawn M. Jones (@shawnmjones) November 4, 2020
Last in a flurry of #WebArchiveWednesday msgs.
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) November 5, 2020
This is an important contribution from the @waybackmachine -- archives/libs aren't neutral: they saw what they saw, but there's a duty to "tell the whole truth" as well as discourage misuse. https://t.co/56NI9FohlW
Fun with sock puppets -- early #WebArchiveWednesday
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) November 10, 2020
from @JacobRubashkin, who started with a screen shot of what appears to be @DeanBrowningPA accidentally posting from a sock puppet account:https://t.co/7Qs01OGMKu
Using web archives, we revisited the growth of Twitter followers of 27
— Mohammed Nauman Siddique (@m_nsiddique) November 11, 2020
Democratic presidential candidates between 2019-01-01 and 2020-04-18https://t.co/QFcSHbHCG1@WebSciDL
#webarchivewednesday https://t.co/AxnbBjfgyr
Narrator voice: Turns outs, they never actually disappeared.#WebArchiveWednesday#webarchiving https://t.co/fY9C0Hq0DI
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) November 17, 2020
While learning how to use AU Toolkit (from @unleasharchives) & Hypercane (from @shawnmjones), I have created a Colab notebook that can take a web page text derivative from AU Toolkit & then create a collection growth curve.#WebArchiveWednesday@WebSciDL https://t.co/JlnPc7bAfz
— Travis Reid (@TReid803) November 18, 2020
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) November 18, 2020
DSHR on the @internetarchive's recent post about in-browser emulation of Flash.
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) November 25, 2020
Paraphrasing DSHR: in the contest of "emulation vs. migration" as framed by Rothenberg in 1995, emulation is running up the score.https://t.co/m07Z5chTRu#WebArchiveWednesday
Sawood Alam (@ibnesayeed) of @WebSciDL and @internetarchive will defend his dissertation:
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) December 2, 2020
"MementoMap: A Web Archive Profiling Framework for Efficient Memento Routing"
Friday, 2020-12-04, 9am EST
Of interest to @NetPreserve members; DM me for zoom link.#WebArchiveWednesday
@Twitter has added the “Violated Twitter Rule” label to its old UI, but not the “Fact-check” label. Web archives (@internetarchive, @archiveis) are now replaying the “Violated Twitter Rule” label. https://t.co/JcVyDHmCLU@WebSciDL #WebArchiveWednesday
— Himarsha Jayanetti (@HimarshaJ) December 8, 2020
ICYMI two weeks ago for #WebArchiveWednesday (ht @NetPreserve), this zoomable thumbnail interface at the Web Archive Switzerland @CHNatbib is super cool.
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) December 9, 2020
Intimidating & overwhelming as well, but probably great for serendipitous discovery.https://t.co/lEVXsAfGiL
.@StormyArchives gives many thanks to @NetPreserve for its support!
— Shawn M. Jones (@shawnmjones) December 10, 2020
We look forward to collaborating with @atosborne Paul Koerbin @mart1nkle1n @phonedude_mln @weiglemc https://t.co/e7dLLK8MJl@nlagovau @LosAlamosNatLab @oducs @WebSciDL
Belated #WebArchiveWednesday #webarchiving
For #WebArchiveWednesday, here's a recent wide-ranging thread from Michael Karpeles (@Mek) answering the question "What's something about the web that's obviously broken?"
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) December 16, 2020
Many of his answers pertain to #webarchiving #webarchives, including his first A:https://t.co/3Lgdum1iDe
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) December 23, 2020
Iran-linked "Enemies of the People" doxing site redacted from @waybackmachine but not @archiveis
see thread for further context: https://t.co/rTFrquaz1V
ht @clancynewyork
DSHR summarizes the analysis from @kritika_garg & @HimarshaJ about the impact on #webarchiving of Twitter changing its UI from including tweets in the HTML vs. a skeleton HTML page that requires json responses from the API.#WebArchiveWednesday @WebSciDLhttps://t.co/ye1bhsvAWk
— Michael L. Nelson (@phonedude_mln) December 29, 2020
Here's to more #WebArchiveWednesday in 2021.
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