2012-11-06: TPDL 2012 Conference
all started last April, particularly on the 9th, when I received an
email from the Dr. George Buchanan delivering the good news, my paper
have been accepted at the annual international conference on Theory
and Practice of Digital Libraries TPDL 2012. Being the Program Chair,
Dr. Buchanan sent me the reviews and feedback associated with my
paper which was entitled “Losing My Revolution: How Many Resources Shared on Social Media Have Been Lost?” which paved the way in the
following months for the preparation process to present this paper.
Along with submitting the paper, Dr. Nelson gave me the permission to submit my PhD proposal to be considered for the Doctoral Consortium at the conference. Scoring my second goal, Dr. Birger Larsen and Dr. Stefan Gradmann sent me a delightful email announcing the committee's acceptance to my proposal and I was invited a day before the conference to present my work at the consortium.
Hat-trick came a few weeks before the conference in the form of an
email from Dr. Birger proposing that I present my work, from the
doctoral consortium, at the poster session on the first day of the
conference. Overwhelmed with joy, I gladly accepted this gracious
invitation and started working on the poster.
an 8 hour drive to New York and a couple of flights, I arrived to
Larnaca airport in Cyprus. I can't complain because two of the most
closest activities to my heart are driving and travelling. Anyway, I
took the bus to Limassol from the airport and was supposed to take another bus to Paphos, where the conference is held, but
unfortunately it didn't come. After a quick chat with two French
ladies who happened to be heading to Paphos too, we shared a taxi
there and I finally arrived to the hotel which I will be spending the
following nights, Cynthiana beach hotel. With a captivating view and
spacious suites, Cynthiana hotel was located 10 minutes by bus from
the venue of the conference and half way to the center of the city.
After giving the presentation and receiving the questions and feedback, I
sat down and listened to the work of fellow PhD students: Tuan VuTran, Armand Brahaj, and Nut Limsopatham. Shortly after wrapping up
the consortium, Dr. Larsen and Dr. Gradmann took us to the city pier
to have an authentic Cypriot dinner. The food, the atmosphere, and the
company were marvelous. Later that night I arrived back to the hotel
next morning the conference commenced. Following the welcome notes by
Dr. Buchannan Dr. Mounia Lalmas gave a marvelous keynote speech
entitled “User Engagement in the Digital World”. Dr. Lalmas is a
visiting principal scientist at Yahoo! Labs Barcelona. She talked
about user engagement and the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral
connection between the user and the technological resource. She
discussed ways to measure this engagement and to model it, along with
some select experiments discussing those several aspects.
the keynote speech we had a short coffee break where I met some
people I haven't seen since JCDL earlier in June. Then I headed to
the 2nd track sessions entitled “Analyzing and Enriching
Documents “ which included several interesting papers by
RóisÃn Rowley-Brooke, my friend Luis Meneses, Daan Odijk, and
Annika Hinze who had 4 papers published in this conference, which I found fascinating. The lunch break followed and I had
to do a phone interview with Ms. Lesley Taylor from the Toronto Star
who wrote an article about the paper I am presenting at the
the lunch I attended the session entitled “Extracting and Indexing”
where Guido Sautter, Benjamin Köhncke, and Georgina Tryfou presented
their work. The minute madness started shortly after and followed by
the poster session.
by my poster in the middle of the room I started explaining my work
to interested researchers in the field. After a while I started
checking out other neighboring posters and I bet my friend Clare Llewellyn for
drinks if she won the best poster award (spoiler alert, she owes me
drinks now!) with her brilliant linen cloth poster. Later that
evening and after the welcome reception we went out for dinner and
drinks in another authentic Cypriot restaurant and had a lovely
following day started with the second keynote speech by Dr. Andreas Lanitis from the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology entitled: “On the Preservation of Cultural
Heritage Through Digitization, Restoration, Reproduction and Usage”.
In this captivating talk, Dr. Lanitis discussed the digital
preservation of Cypriot Cultural Heritage artifacts, the restoration
and reproduction.
the coffee break I also attended the second track entitled: “Content
and Metadata Quality” where two fascinating papers have been
presented, one regarding the SKOS vocabularies and the other about
meta learning from wiki articles. I was fairly nervous because the
following session and just after lunch I was supposed to present my
long paper too.
lunch I had my second phone interview with Ms. Claire Connelly a
journalist from News Ltd in Australia also writing an article about
our work. Following lunch, this time I joined the 1st track sessions
among which I will present my work. It started with Anqi Cui
presenting his interesting work with PrEV (Preserving and Providing Web Pages and User-generated Contents). To my surprise he cited my
work within his presentation and a sense of accomplishment flooded
me. Scientific processes have been analyzed next in the following
paper entitled: “Preserving Scientific Processes from Design to Publications”. After that I took the stage and I was surprised by
the large number of attendees. The questions were marvelous and Cathy Marshall, among others, gave me very precious feedback.
Following my presentation, Ray Larson and Maria Sumbana presented the
following two papers.
the coffee break we returned back to have the last round of sessions
in which I chose again track 2 “Information Retrieval” presenting
four more papers. At 7 o'clock we gathered by the lobby to board the
buses taking us to the outskirts of the town to an authentic Cypriot
restaurant. This one was different as it had a band and a folk
dancing group who taught us how to do the Cypriot round and line
group dancing.
following morning I packed my bags and checked out before attending
the last day of the conference which started with an enticing and
captivating talk as usual by Cathy Marshall from Microsoft Research San Francisco. The talk was entitled “Whose content is it anyway? Social media, personal data, and the fate of our digital legacy”, similar to the equally wonderful speech she gave at JCDL.
Finally I attended the set of sessions that I have been looking
forward to the most, “track 2 User Behavior” presented by Michael Khoo and Catherine Hall, Sally Jo Cunningham, Fernanto Loizides, and
my friend Gerhard Gossen.
closing session followed up next concluding the conference where the
best paper/demo/poster awards were handed to the authors among which
our friend Clare Llewellyn.
conclusion it was a really organized and successful conference, our
presence was evident three times and I attended several interesting
sessions, met old colleagues, made a lot of new contacts, and got
really great feedback.
Other Blog Posts:
- Justyna Walkowska: TPDL 2012: Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries
-- Hany SalahEldeen
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